Hello Everyone!

Welcome to JaneJacobsPhotography.com! We hope that you enjoy it and it will be just as easy for you to navigate as the old site! We do take credit cards.

FACEBOOK USEAGE: NOTE....If you use any of our photos from this web page with PROOF on them to promote your horse or the sale of your horse or any horses, YOU MUST BUY THE PHOTO. We will notify you when we see it and you have the option of either taking it/them down or purchasing them. If our photos are good enough to help promote or sell your horse, then they are good enough to buy!

If you happen to have any problems or questions about our web page, PLEASE let us know. You can either email [email protected] (Jane) or
[email protected]. (Brooke). Please state in subject line of email...."question about web page" or..."ordering question". Calls may be made to Brooke at (859) 321-5394 or Jane at (859) 321-5393. Thanks so much!

Happy shopping!
Jane & Brooke

Day 1-3 Gaited

Day 1-3 Gaited

Day1-5 Gaited

Day1-5 Gaited

Day 2 -3 Gaited

Day 2 -3 Gaited

Day 2 - 5 Gaited

Day 2 - 5 Gaited

Team Photos

Team Photos

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony

Practice Sessions

Practice Sessions

Misc Invitational Photos

Misc Invitational Photos